Anna Rising

Graphic designer / creative

Anna Rising is an American-born graphic designer based in and around Norway. She currently works as a senior designer at Neue Design Studio in Oslo and specializes in creating meaningful brand identities and experiences across all platforms. Take a look at some of her selected work , explore some personal projects(4) 01. With love 02. Near, far & inbetween 03. Norskkurs 04. WHAT SHOULD I HAVE FOR DINNER? or scroll for a peek of some recent work.

© Anna Rising, 2024

      With just under a decade of experience, Anna has worked with a diverse range of clients within a wide array of industries. She thrives in collaborative and multidisciplinary environments and always aims to create strategic solutions that are fresh and culturally relevant. Before embracing the koselig lifestyle in Norway Anna lived in New York City where she worked with clients including Google, Anheuser-Busch and Huffpost. In Norway she has been lucky to work with some major Scandinavian companies including Telenor, Brand Norway, and DNB.
      Off-screen Anna enjoys scuba diving, adventures with her dog, and spontaneous trips to new countries. She is passionate about sustainability and always aims to make a positive impact on our planet. Get in touch if you're interested in collaborating*, want to grab a coffee, or just feel like saying hey.




*I'm currently on the lookout for a non-profit organisation or individual working to combat climate change that is in need of brand help to collaborate with pro-bono. If you or anyone you know fits that bill, please get in touch!




Brand Identity
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Creative Consulting
Packaging Design
Publication Design
Web Design

Select clients

Brand Norway
Mars Inc.
Red Cross
Visit Norway

Get in touch if you're interested in collaborating, want to grab a coffee, or just feel like saying hey.
Currently looking for a non-profit in need of some design help to collaborate with pro-bono. If that sounds like you, please get in touch.

© Anna Rising, 2024


With Love - personal project

Nordvær - visual identity

Franzefoss - visual identity refresh, coming soon

Atelie Editions - exhibition identity

Ecotrail - medal design

See all of my selected work

(password available upon request)